The Masculine Archetype Challenge
The Masculine Archetype is the set of testosterone-driven feelings and behaviors that allowed your male ancestors to win at life.
We cover 7 applied topics in the program:
The Hero's Journey (Day 1-3)
Connect Inner and Outer Worlds. Create a map for this chapter of your life story.
Healing the Inner Child (Day 4-6)
Complete any emotional cycles that keep you in the archetypes of ‘Boy’, ‘Victim’, ‘Nice Guy’, or ‘Martyr’. Understand the Father Wound and the conditioning that imprinted you as a child.
The Dark Masculine (Day 7-9)
Uncover the animalistic impulses that are the source of power, passion, and creativity, but are often hidden by shame and apathy.
The Anima (Day 10-12)
The feminine aspect of your male psyche; Intuition, Sexual Polarity, Emotional Connection.
Energetic Penetration (Day 13-15)
How to use the masculine skills of sight, clarity, and courage. Applications to seduction, communication, and creativity.
Consensual Dominance (Day 16-18)
A.k.a. Emotional Leadership. How to develop a presence that emotional incentivizes people to surrender. This is the kindest act and most critical function of man. Understand limbic resonance and superorganism theory.
Initiation, Making a Mark on Reality (Day 19-21)
Self-create rites of passage and write the next chapter of your journey.